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May 26, 2021

Liability Coverage Options Within Trucking Insurance

Liability Coverage Options Within Trucking Insurance 

As a commercial trucker, you have commercial interests you must protect. That means addressing the harm you might cause to you and your truck, as well as other parties. How can you address these accidents? 

Trucking insurance policies usually offer multiple types of liability insurance, some of which you must carry. The better you tailor your coverage to your benefit, the more assistance you might have available in case of accidents.


Trucking Liability Insurance 

As vehicles, commercial trucks need insurance. Most states, along with national interstate law, institute coverage requirements for drivers to carry certain amounts of coverage. One of the primary types they require is liability insurance. 

Trucking liability policies do not apply to the damage that you, the policyholder, experience. The policies apply, instead, to the harm your mistakes cause to others. For example, you might be at fault for a trucking wreck. You might have your own damage costs to coverage. However, because the accident was your fault, you might have to pay for the damage you caused others. That is when liability insurance can step in to help you out. 


Primary Trucking Liability Coverage 

Most trucking liability policies offer a couple of primary types of protection: 

  • Property damage coverage: If you hit another vehicle or object, the sheer size of your truck might destroy it. This coverage can help you pay for the damage.  

  • Bodily injury coverage: If you cause accidents, third parties, often other drivers, might get hurt. This coverage can pay medical bills, lost income, and potentially death benefits. 

Depending on the state you operate from, the type of cargo you carry, and other factors the mandatory limits you carry might vary. 


Other Liability Coverage 

When setting up your liability policy, ask your agent if you need the following coverage options. 

  • Motor truck cargo insurance: Third-party cargo that you carry on dispatch will need coverage in case of accidents. This coverage can pay for the lost items. 

  • Pollution liability coverage: Truck wrecks could cause leaks or spills of hazardous materials. This coverage can help you pay for the resulting cleanup and recovery costs. 

  • Non-trucking liability coverage: When you use your truck in off hours, you need as much insurance as you do while at work. This coverage can extend your liability coverage to times when you are not on the clock. 

Many trucking insurance policies will automatically include these additional options. However, in other cases, you will have to add them. Always talk to your agent about the who, what, where, when, why and how regarding your trucking activities. They can help you determine the right liability coverage.

Request a commercial trucking quote today!


Categories: Trucking Insurance

Tags: Liability coverage for trucking

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