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Home » Auto Insurance » Page 5

Auto Insurance

January 14, 2020

Questions To Ask When Shopping for Auto Insurance:

A good time to start reviewing your auto insurance is after you’ve had your policy for at least six months. At this point you qualify for a prior insurance discount which can be up to 20% reduction. Ask your insurance agent or your company to see if they can offer you better rates at that […]
December 17, 2019

What Do I Do After An Accident?

  In the unfortunate event that you are involved in a car accident, try to stay calm and check your occupants for any injuries or occupants of the other vehicle:   If possible, contact the emergency services immediately. Police to secure the accident scene and ambulance to take any injured persons to the hospital. If […]
December 4, 2019

Does My Insurance Cover Hit & Run Accidents?

As the name implies, hit & run accident is when another vehicle is responsible for the accident, but instead of exchanging insurance information with you, they decide to take off to avoid being responsible and paying for the damage to your car. Unfortunately, hit-and-run accidents are increasing, especially if the fleeing driver does not have […]
November 27, 2019

Is My Child Insured Under My Auto Insurance?

Many parents are asking themselves if their children are insured on their policy even if they are not listed as drivers on their insurance. Well, it depends. Some states allow insurance companies to exclude household residents of driving age and Missouri is one of them. There are several reasons while people choose to exclude a […]
November 19, 2019

Car Buying For Teenagers & Insurance

  Your teenager has finally gotten their driver license and it’s time to get them their own wheels. Having your child reach this milestone can be exciting but also terrifying, because you know your child will now be behind the wheel on their own for the first time. With their driver license comes the need […]
November 5, 2019

Need SR22 Insurance? We Can Help!

Need SR22 insurance? We Can Help!   Have you received a letter from the license bureau notifying you that your driver license is about to be suspended? Getting that dreadful letter can cause anxiety, after all, getting caught driving while suspended can have huge fines, points added to your driving record and a possible arrest. […]
August 13, 2019

How Long Do I Have To Keep the SR22?

How long do I have to keep the SR22?   In most cases you are required to keep an SR22 for one year. Depending on number of the violations or suspensions of your license, you may need to keep it for longer. Your license bureau can tell you the details and what is required to reinstate […]
November 13, 2018

How To Avoid Deer Accidents!

  While most of us will never be in an accident with a deer, there will be some close calls. Driving on the outskirts of the city or on the highway, one will no doubt encounter a deer crossing the roadway.  Deer is most active at dusk and dawn, so that’s the time to be […]
October 29, 2018

Should I Let A Friend Drive My Car?

What if your friend is asking to borrow your car? It could be just for a few hours or for a few days but few things you need to consider in this case: by borrowing your car to your friend you are also borrowing your insurance. In most States the insurance follows the vehicle, not […]
October 24, 2018

I’m A Delivery Driver! Which Auto Insurance Is Right For Me?

  If you use your personal vehicle to deliver food, newspaper or any other type of delivery, you need to get a commercial auto policy. A personal auto policy has restrictions on vehicle usage and the insurance company can deny coverage if vehicle is used for this type of business. There are exemptions however (i.e. […]

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