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Home » How Long Do I Have To Keep the SR22?
August 13, 2019

How Long Do I Have To Keep the SR22?

How long do I have to keep the SR22?


In most cases you are required to keep an SR22 for one year. Depending on number of the violations or suspensions of your license, you may need to keep it for longer. Your license bureau can tell you the details and what is required to reinstate your license.

Does adding SR22 to my insurance policy increase my insurance premium?

For majority of insurance companies, it does. The fee can range from a flat fee to a surcharge of you premium, which increases your monthly payments. Our agents at Bargain Insurance Connection can guide you through the process and file the SR22 with that State.

I don’t own any vehicles, how do I get SR22?

Sometimes you are asked by the State to get SR22 insurance even if you don’t own a vehicle.

For those cases we have a non-owner SR22 policy. Non-owner insurance is a liability policy on yourself if you are driving someone else’s vehicle. There are some limitations on non-owner policies typically not part of an owner’s policy. Our agents can best explain to you these limitations. If you purchase a vehicle while having a non-owner insurance you can always add it to your policy, which them becomes an owner’s policy.

What happens if I miss an SR22 insurance payment?

If your SR22 insurance policy cancels for non-payment of premium, the insurance company is required by law to notify the State that you no longer have insurance. You will get notified by the State about danger of your license being suspended again if you don’t make the insurance payment. To avoid license suspension, you must carry continuous insurance during the SR22 period.

If you need to get an SR22, call Bargain Insurance Connection at 816.453.7722 or fill out our online form and we will provide you with a quote shortly.

Categories: Auto Insurance

Tags: How long to keep SR22

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