April 25, 2019
AgencyHome and Renters Insurance (Actual Cash Value or Replacement Cost)
Replacement Cost vs Actual Cash Value? There are different options to consider when insuring your house or your belongings. Most common method is replacement cost valuation (RCV) and most home insurers offer this option of coverage. Standard home insurance policies offer RCV coverage for the dwelling and optional for contents of your home. This […]
November 13, 2018
AgencyHow To Avoid Deer Accidents!
While most of us will never be in an accident with a deer, there will be some close calls. Driving on the outskirts of the city or on the highway, one will no doubt encounter a deer crossing the roadway. Deer is most active at dusk and dawn, so that’s the time to be […]
October 29, 2018
AgencyShould I Let A Friend Drive My Car?
What if your friend is asking to borrow your car? It could be just for a few hours or for a few days but few things you need to consider in this case: by borrowing your car to your friend you are also borrowing your insurance. In most States the insurance follows the vehicle, not […]
October 24, 2018
AgencyI’m A Delivery Driver! Which Auto Insurance Is Right For Me?
If you use your personal vehicle to deliver food, newspaper or any other type of delivery, you need to get a commercial auto policy. A personal auto policy has restrictions on vehicle usage and the insurance company can deny coverage if vehicle is used for this type of business. There are exemptions however (i.e. […]
September 27, 2018
AgencyYou Got a DUI! What Now?
Let’s say you are hanging out with your friends at a bar and having a good time, having few drinks and you’re thinking I’m still OK to drive. On your drive home you suddenly see the orange sign that says DUI check point! No reason to panic, you only had few drinks and you are feeling ok, […]
August 6, 2018
AgencyWhere To Get Cheap Auto Insurance?
Cheapest Insurance would be a liability only coverage, but if you are financing a vehicle you may be required to obtain Comprehensive and Collision coverage. Best way to have a quick insurance rates comparison is to contact an independent insurance agency. Independent Agencies, like Bargain Insurance Connection, have access to multiple insurance companies and can […]
March 19, 2018
AgencyHow To Save Money on Auto Insurance
Shop around for your car insurance Prices differ from company to company, so it pays to shop around. Get at least three quotes, from both different insurance companies and different types of insurance companies—that is, those that sell through their own agents; those that sell through independent agents; and those that sell directly to consumers […]
March 5, 2018
AgencyWhat Does My Auto Insurance Cover?
Who is covered by my auto insurance—and under what circumstances? Your auto policy will cover you and other family members on your policy, whether driving your car or someone else’s car (with their permission). Your policy also provides coverage if someone who is not on your policy is driving your car with your consent. […]